At least 20 years there was this persistent thought that raised frequently in my consciousness. It told that "any other time I would have been burnt as a witch". Every time I laughed. After a short pause it continued: "...and I have healing hands" Then I would just brush it off chuckling and continue my day. Few years ago things changed and there's no denying it anymore.
I try to do my best to anchor golden love energy (Christ Consciousness) to Maa(Earth) for the greatest good of all.
Energy healing and spiritual consultation
Intuitive heart alchemy energy healing, includes a little talk before and after channeling
40€ / 30 min
80€ / 1 h
Prana ball
12 €
"Psychopomps are generally:
adept at guiding others through such transformative experiences as death
compassionate, nonjudgmental, and friendly
experienced border crossers and walkers between the worlds
tricksters who will do whatever is required to achieve their goals
shapeshifters who can change their appearance to match the setting and the times
arbiters of change for individuals and the culture
magical beings who can facilitate healing in unexpected ways."