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Art prices

Haste and special requests up the price.

Price table from for B2B:

Graphic design, layouts and illustrations

The following prices cover artwork one-time use on the physical print and/or on the customers website:

15% has been added to the following prices because they cover the artwork's continuing publishing rights on the physical print and/or on the customers website:

The illustrations are without VAT. 24% VAT will be added to the fees for illustrations and graphic design made for advertising purposes.


Minimum is 450€. It includes a short shooting gig with image processing. The following prices cover the image one-time share on the physical print and/or on the customers website:

15% has been added to the following prices because they cover the image of the continuing publication right on the physical print and/or on the customers website:

24 % VAT will be added to the final price (25,5 % after 1.9.2024)

When selling stock images, the first image often costs more than other images sold at the same time. The following images can be discounted. Using an image on a cover can increase its price by, for example, 50-100%.

Extensive copyrights raise fees

Corporation wide use

Continuous access to all corporation or newspaper publications in different publication channels can double the price.

Resale by the buyer

If the buyer wishes to resell or transfer the story, image or illustration to other publishers or to new publications created in collaboration with the newspaper house, this must always be agreed separately. At the same time, it is agreed what will be reimbursed to the copyright owner for additional use or resale. The compensation can be, for example, 50% of the resale price.

All rights

All commercial rights to an image, story or illustration can double or triple the price. I won't sell all rights of my personal work for anyone!


If the buyer wishes to publish previously published material, a fee must be paid for it.

Only material for which I have not waived commercial rights may be sold for republishing.